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The importance of 5 star reviews on Amazon

When potential buyers visit your Amazon product page, one of the first things they check is your reviews. The more reviews, the better.

When customers see a lot of reviews, right off the bat that’s a sign the product is popular. And buyers tend to go with popular choices.

Except, of course, if too many of those reviews have only 2 or 3 stars. The percentage of starred reviews can make or break whether potential customers stick. This is why 5 star reviews will matter all the more in 2020…to offset the one, two and 3 star reviews you are bound to get and keep your overall Amazon rating high.

No matter how good your product, no matter how good an Amazon seller you are, you can’t satisfy everyone all the time. People will nitpick. And, actually, you don’t even want all 5 star reviews. If all your reviews are getting five stars, people tend to get suspicious that the reviews are fake. This is particularly true if the product isn’t a brand name and the seller has less than 100 reviews.

The average customer rating of 4.5 stars with at least a hundred or more reviews in many cases is enough to trigger a buying decision. People won’t even bother reading the individual reviews, because, hey, the 4.5 stars and the number of reviews show this is a quality product.

There are two related issues here.

  1. How do you offset the mediocre and negative reviews you’re bound to receive?
  2. How do you generate as many high-rated positive reviews as possible?

Turn the Negative Into a Positive

There’s a positive side to negative reviews. Even if, and particularly, you are getting a lot of them related to the same issue. This could indicate a recurring problem that you really do need to fix. If a product broke or there was some defect and you offer to replace the product quickly and without charge, that provides them with some confidence that you are a reputable seller.

The faster you communicate with the dissatisfied customer and the faster you fix it (and, most importantly, ensure the mistake or error isn’t repeated with other customers), the more likely you’ll turn a one or 2 star rating into a three or four. Acknowledge there has been a fault, don’t fight with them (even if there may be a cause to fight them) and seek to resolve their issue. Because the customer is always right (even if he is not).

If your customer review average drops down to three stars because of these types of negative reviews, that can kill your listing.

LIVE pre-shipment inspections are especially effective in this case. You receive detailed information about the quality and characteristics of the product in real time via a messenger application and have full control over the inspection process.

Thus, you can identify problems with your goods, find the solutions and foresee the customers’ feedback before the shipment leaves the factory.

Get more reviews

Reviews are particularly important when you launch a new product on Amazon. There is a number of ways you can get them.

For example, you can use Amazon Early Review program. You do have to pay Amazon for the first five reviews, but it may be worth it for a new listing to generate reviews.

You could also buy Facebook Ads to request reviews and offer rebates for buying your product. This is a kind of grey area whether this complies with Amazon’s terms of service, but it does take place outside of Amazon’s ecosystem and a lot of sellers do this.

Source: FeedbackWhiz.com