Amazon clarifies its policy on rebates, coupons and other incentives offered outside the platform
Amazon is cracking down on sellers who engage in practices that violate its Seller Code of Conduct, including the use of two-step URLs, funnels, and treasure hunts, reports Ecommercebytes.
Official announcement on Seller Central says that driving customer discovery and conversion through rebates, coupons, and other marketing incentives offered outside Amazon violates Seller Code of Conduct.
“A service by any name that’s intended to artificially boost search ranking or portray a discounted sale as full-price, is a violation,” Amazon stated.
Amazon specifically pointed out that any artificial manipulation to boost products’ search ranking is also considered as a violation, including “two-step URLs”, “super URLs”, “funnels”, “treasure hunts”, “search-find-buy”. Sellers who may not have understood this policy previously should end these practices immediately, or face the consequences.
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