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Amazon educational program to help entrepreneurs succeed online

Amazon announced Small Business Academy program to help small businesses reach more customers, build their brand, and grow sales.

The initiatives include in-person seminars, community college courses, and webinars, reports businesswire.com.

“Small businesses make up 99.9% of U.S. businesses, employ almost 60 million people, and are the backbone of our economy. We’ve heard from many of them that they want help and guidance to take advantage of the power of the internet and digital business”, said Nicholas Denissen, Amazon Vice President of Small Business.

“Amazon Small Business Academy is focused on accelerating small business’ digital capabilities, whether they are a brand new company or one that has been in business for generations.”

 Amazon Small Business Academy seminar will be held in December, with more events planned for 2020.

The program also offers webinars, which will provide best practices for successful selling in Amazon stores and include live Q&A with experts. Registration is open for an initial webinar here.

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