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Size of failures at Amazon will be bigger along with growth

Jeff Bezos warns that Amazon will “occasionally have multibillion-dollar failures” in his annual letter to shareholders

Jeff Bezos in his annual letter to shareholders said that Amazon will be experimenting at the right scale for a company of its size and occasionally have multibillion-dollar failures.

As the company grows, he said, it only makes sense for their failures to grow at a larger scale. Bezos mentioned the creation of the Amazon Fire phone and Echo, which developed around the same time.

Amazon Fire turned out to be a failure. Amazon discontinued the phone in 2015 and took a $170 million write-off, writes CNBC.

“We were able to take our learnings (as well as the developers) and accelerate our efforts building Echo and Alexa,” Bezos said.

Bezos also highlighted his focus on global retail of which Amazon “represents a low single-digit percentage”. He described customers experience at Amazon Go, which allows customers to walk in, shop and leave the retail store without queuing, to be ‘magical’, reports Financial Express.


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