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Drunk shopping is an estimated $48 billion industry

85 percent of drunk shoppers visit and make ill-advised purchases on Amazon

Tech and business newsletter The Hustle surveyed more than 2,000 alcohol-drinking adults about their online shopping behaviour after imbibing and found that on average, shoppers spent more than $400 per year on items bought while intoxicated.

If you apply that number beyond the respondents to include America’s legal alcohol-drinkers, you get roughly $48 billion on drunken purchases every year, writes Mashable.com.

Most of that money is going to Amazon. Based on the survey, 85 percent of drunk shoppers visit and make ill-advised purchases on Amazon, followed by Ebay at 21 percent, and then Etsy at 12 percent. After drinking either beer, wine, or liquor, clothing is the most alluring (and popular) purchase.

According to The Economic Times, Clothing and shoes are the most common purchases while some also end up purchasing the software. However, the weirdest stuff people end up drunk purchasing include a full-size inflatable bouncy castle for a living room, a breast pump for a guy, tons of international flights, 200 pounds of fresh, 10-foot tall bamboo, and the list is endless.

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