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Amazon sues “get rich quick” FBA course sellers
Amazon sues coaches for selling deceptive courses of no valueAmazon started suing people and companies for selling courses on how to make money on Amazon.Amazon filed suit against Online Secrets, Prime Global Source, Michael Gazzola, Matthew Behdjou and...
Amazon Will Impose Stricter Storage Limits in January
Amazon Wants Sellers to Optimize Warehouse Space Amazon will impose stricter storage limits on sellers who use Fulfillment by Amazon in January. The reason for the policy change is the company's push for faster delivery - specifically, transitioning Prime...
Paypal to enter Chinese market for online payments
PayPal is the first foreign company to win Chinese payments licensePayPal has become the first foreign company to acquire a payments licence in China, after buying a majority stake in GoPay. GoPay has licenses for online and mobile transactions, and...
Payments via Trade assuranceWe have opened a business account on with Trade Assurance payment protection system.Our Alibaba page: is Alibaba Trade Assurance?Trade Assurance is a payment protection service....
Amazon Continues Seller Suspensions without notice
Sellers can still be suspended immediately under various circumstances If sellers violate Amazon policies and damage customer experience, they may be suspended without 30-day notice. Amazon signed a pledge on August 16 with its third-party sellers that it...