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LIFT OFF is the new series by Seth Kniep
Competitor Analysis
1. Competitor Analysis - Tips to Increase Amazon Sales In any business, the first step to increasing sales is to understand your competition Competitor analysis should ideally be carried out before you list your products on Amazon, but can also be...
Amazon knows everything about you!
Amazon’s Big New Business Amazon knows where people live, what credit cards they use, how old their children are and even if they have a cold right now According to The New York Times, ads sold by Amazon, once a limited offering at the company, can now be...
7 best tips to promote listings on Amazon
Whether you are just starting out or you’ve had an Amazon business for years, every Amazon business owner wants one thing: to increase salesWe’ve taken 7 of the best strategies to promote Amazon listings and drive more sales: 1. Carry Out Competitor...
Sourcing products from Indonesia – Alternatives to China
Sourcing from Indonesia Amazon sellers who are looking for a manufacturer to produce their products in cost-effective way can turn to Indonesia to fit their needs. Out of the entire area of Southeast Asia, the archipelago nation of Indonesia has the...